Subject: FW: Free parent workshops from The Child Study Center at NYU Langone Medical Center
To All Parents, Teachers, and Other Interested Professionals,
Please see the information below about our first in a series of workshops about ADHD and other emotional/behavioral difficulties presented by the clinical professionals at The Child Study Center at NYU Langone Medical Center. We will also be sending brochures to anyone who may be interested in the variety of workshops planned for this academic year. Please distribute this information to any interested parties. We will not have child care available but welcome anyone to attend who would like to hear more about the topics covered.
When: September 26, 2013 6:30-8pm
Where: The Child Study Center One Park Avenue, 7th Floor
What: Advancing Kids' Organizational Skills – Keys to Success
Children with ADHD often struggle with organizing schoolwork, managing time and planning projects. This workshop will discuss techniques and best practices from our highly successful Organizational Skills Training Program.
Presenter: Richard Gallagher, PhD
Please RSVP for this free workshop by email or phone:<> or 646-754-4902