Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We are seeking nominations of students for the BMCC STEP Spring 2016 ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS


Dear all,


The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) Science & Technology Entry Program (STEP) is now accepting applications for the SPRING 2016 session.

·  Application Deadline: JANUARY 22ND, 2016

·  Application Webpage: http://bit.ly/bmccstepapp​


STEP programs are designed to increase the number of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students prepared to enter college, and improve their participation rate in mathematics, science, technology, health related fields and the licensed professions.  BMCC STEP provides NYC students in the 9th through 12th grades with a range academic of enrichment courses, research experience, and special programs in science, mathematics and technology content areas.


Any student who is intrigued by a possible career in a STEM(Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics) field is highly encouraged to apply.  Students who seek to gain a competitive edge for the SAT or a specific course are also encouraged to apply to this program.


BMCC's Spring 2016 STEP Session will run on Friday's from February 5th to May 13th, 2016.  STEP workshops & courses are held on Fridays from 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm.
For a full calendar, please visit: 


All STEP participants attend an academic enrichment course in either Biology, Chemistry, Math, Robotics, GIS (Geographic Information Science) or SAT prep.

Subway access and meals are provided to all participants of the program.


Research opportunities are available in Biology, Chemistry, Math, GIS and Engineering.  Students accepted into the research program will work with mentors in BMCC science labs to design, complete, and produce a poster presentation on a research project in one of the abovementioned content areas.


We have also expanded our program to include a TUTORING STEP component!  All students will have access to tutoring in the core areas of Mathematics, English and Chemistry.  More information can be found on our website.



The BMCC STEP Application can be found at: http://bit.ly/bmccstepapp

Attached for your records and distribution to interested students is a BMCC STEP description.  If possible, please post and distribute.  

Complete applications & accompanying materials will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Decision Letters will be emailed to applicants on a rolling basis (weekly).


If you have any questions or would like additional information about BMCC STEP, please feel free to contact the STEP Coordinator(s).  

Contact information has been provided below.


​Daavid Moseley​

STEP Coordinator

Phone: 212-220-8000 ext. 5059

Maisha Phillips

STEP Coordinator

Phone: 212-220-8000 ext. 5059


​or visit: 

The BMCC STEP webpage: http://bit.ly/bmcc-step

The BMCC STEP Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bmccstep

Thursday, December 10, 2015

FW: Dracula performance by LoMATE

Please join us for this fall’s LoMATE production of Dracula December 17, 19 and 20.




Monday, December 7, 2015

Dracula performance by LoMATE

Please join us for this fall’s LoMATE production of Dracula December 17, 19 and 20.




Friday, December 4, 2015

FW: Clear Your Summons Warrant With Begin Again on December 5, 2015


Begin Again and Take Care Of That Old Warrant!   




Saturday, December 5, 2015

9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church

228 Decatur Street
Brooklyn, NY 11233

Over 1200 Warrants Cleared in Two Events!

The court and defense attorneys will be available to resolve outstanding summons warrants for consumption of alcohol in public, disorderly conduct, trespassing and more.   


For more information:
(718) 250-3888

Twitter: @BeginAgainBKLN & @BrooklynDA







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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

FW: Columbia Economics Review High School Essay Competition Fall 2015

Subject: FW: Columbia Economics Review High School Essay Competition Fall 2015






From: Alan Y. Lin [mailto:yl3260@columbia.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:05 AM
Subject: Columbia Economics Review High School Essay Competition Fall 2015


Dear Lower Manhattan Arts Academy, 


I am an undergraduate at Columbia, studying Economics-Mathematics. I am an Executive Director at Columbia Economics Review, an undergraduate economics journal sponsored by the Department of Economics at Columbia. It is my great pleasure to share with you the opportunity for your high school students to participate in our annual economics and finance essay competition.


This year, we are asking students to respond to the following prompt: Choose a 2016 presidential candidate and select a plank of his or her economic platform. In a 500- to 600-word essay, please criticize or defend this policy proposal.  


The winner will receive a $100 prize. I would greatly appreciate it if you would circulate this opportunity among your students. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Have a wonderful day!


Best regards,


Alan Y. Lin

Executive Director 

Columbia Economics Review



Friday, November 20, 2015

FW: DYCD Youth Connect E-Blast - November 2015

Subject: DYCD Youth Connect E-Blast - November 2015



Youth Connect Header

November 2015

Step It Up NYC

Do you know a dance or step team that's ready to bring social change to the stage? Enter them now in the 2016 competition: bit.ly/stepitup16 Auditions will take place December 4 and 5.

For more information on Step It Up and to take a look back at the 2015 winners, visit: http://www.nyc.gov/dycd.

Latino College Fair

Please Save the Date for CLCU’s 8th Annual Latino College Fair on November 21, 2015, at Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus!

Visit: http://bit.ly/LCF15Reg for more information.

NYC Junior Ambassadors

The NYC Junior Ambassadors program targets youth at a critical time in their personal and intellectual growth, and helps them understand the real connections between themselves, their city and the world at large. The program will provide ten groups of 7th grade students from school classrooms or afterschool programs singular access to the United Nations community, including a curated visit to the United Nations Headquarters and a classroom visit from a senior UN diplomat.

For more information, visit: on.nyc.gov/1W9NjNl

Urban Fellows Program


The Urban Fellows Program is sponsored by The City of New York and administered by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS). The program is designed to introduce America's finest college students and graduates to local government and public service.

For more information about the Urban Fellows Program, visit: http://on.nyc.gov/1Q63JXy or call 311 or dial (212) NEW-YORK if outside of NYC.


Cornerstone Mentoring Program

Did you know that young people who are in a quality mentoring relationship are more likely to do better in school and have aspirations to go to college? They’re more equipped to make responsible decisions and model good behavior too. These qualities make them more likely to grow up to be a productive and engaged citizen, which makes our communities stronger.

To find out more information on how you can become a mentor, please contact Cynthia Malave-Baez via email at Cmalave-baez@dycd.nyc.gov or by phone at 646.343.6468

girls who code

Launched in Spring 2012, Girls Who Code is a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors. With support from public and private partners, Girls Who Code works to educate, inspire and equip high school girls with the skills and resources to pursue opportunities in computing fields.

They are now recruiting for their 2016 Summer Immersion Program. For more information, visit: http://bit.ly/1MRr3T6

Internships And seasonal Employment opportunities

The White House Internship

google BOLD Intern Program

Intern with WBLS

DELL scholars program

Target Seasonal Team Members

Best Buy


Pathfinder is the one place for job and professional development opportunities available to the dedicated people who work in afterschool, expanded learning time and youth programs in New York City.

To view all current openings, visit: http://bit.ly/1us6fMo

Food bank

Food Bank For New York City has been the City's major hunger relief organization, working to end hunger throughout the five boroughs for more than 30 years. Nearly one in five New Yorkers relies on Food Bank for food and other resources.

For information on volunteering or donating, visit: foodbanknyc.org/.


New York City offers children and teens a wide range of afterschool and summer activities from paid museum internships to free science research programs. The free and low-cost programs are a great way to explore new interests, get extra support, and supplement what is being taught during the school day.

For more information, visit: www.insideschools.org/free-programs  

Year Up Internship Program

Year Up is a one year, intensive training program that provides low income young adults, ages 18-24, with a combination of hands-on skill development, college credits and corporate internships.

For more information and to apply, visit: www.yearup.org


NYC Parks Fall Fun

The Emerald Empire contains over 1,700 parks, playgrounds and recreation facilities. But it is also affiliated with a wide array of other attractions, including historic houses, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens and a large public art program.

For more information, visit: on.nyc.gov/1NYwRAp

Work for DYCD

DYCD offers dynamic professional opportunities with excellent benefits.

To view all current openings, visit www.nyc.gov/dycd

Volunteer Opportunities

NYC Service targets volunteers to address New York City's greatest needs by mobilizing the power of volunteers to impact six areas: Strengthening Communities; Education Excellence; Economic and Workforce Development; Health and Well Being; Environment; and Emergency Preparedness and Response.

For information on volunteer opportunities in your area, visit: www.nycservice.org/

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DYCD's Youth Connect E-Blast

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fwd: Spirit week!!

Subject: Spirit week!!

Wear your Gear!

Monday, November 16, 2015

FW: Join us Thursday night to talk about behavior supports for students with disabilities

Subject: Join us Thursday night to talk about behavior supports for students with disabilities


A reminder that the panel discussion and speak out on behavior supports for students with disabilities—sponsored by the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by Advocates for Children) and the Mental Health Association of New York City—is this Thursday! We hope to see many of you there.


November 19 ∙ 5:30 pm — 8:00 pm

Sign in at 5:30 ∙ Panel starts promptly at 6:00  


Advocates for Children of New York

151 West 30th Street, 4th Floor



Refreshments will be served 

Spanish interpretation services will be available


Download the event flyer in English or Spanish

RSVP preferred ∙ Email mmoroff@afcnyc.org or ruezaliaw@mhaofnyc.org






The members of the ARISE Coalition (Action for Reform in Special Education) have joined together to provide a collective and powerful voice on behalf of students with special needs in New York City. We seek to compel systemic reform to improve special education, promote greater transparency and accountability of the education system, and most critically, assure more positive outcomes and options for all students.




Advocates for Children of New York | advocate@advocatesforchildren.org | Advocates For Children of New York, Inc. | 151 West 30th Street, 5th Floor | New York, NY 10001

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Thursday, October 22, 2015

FW: upcoming dates

Subject: upcoming dates


Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to remind you of some upcoming dates


Also, if you have any photos from this year, please email them to me.  I am struggling with the photo calendar thus far!




23th End 1st Marking pd
28th-9th grade Natural history Museum trip(information to follow soon)
28th 4:30-7:30 cafeteria Halloween Dance.
29th Parent Teacher conferences 5:45-8:00 
30th Parent Teacher conferences 1:00-3:00


5th 1:30-3:00 AAA (Academic Awards Assembly)
10th- Drama juniors out 12:40-3:00 New York Theater Workshop
11th-no school
16th Arts rotate 9th grade
18th-LoMA open house for incoming students 7:00pm
24th 4:30 cafĂ© LoMA Thanksgiving feast.
26th and 27th-no school

Yetta Garfield, AP
The Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
350 Grand Street, NYC 10002

Monday, October 19, 2015

FW: Nominate Your Students for ChickTech

Subject: Nominate Your Students for ChickTech


Nominate your students for this free 2-day workshop.

View this email in your browser


We are now accepting nominations for female high school students for our event Nov 7-8! This event is a fun, positive learning experience designed to build participants' confidence in their technical abilities, provide positive role models, and create connections with other young women from the NYC and surrounding areas.


Event Details:

  • Where: Pace University, 3 Spruce St, New York, NY
  • When: November 7th - 8th, 2015 ~9am-5pm
  • Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided
  • Transportation is offered to and from the event each day as needed
  • Generous donors and partners mean this event is FREE for students

Nomination Criteria:

  1. High School student who is female or identifies as female
  2. Has an above-average aptitude for math or science,
    is creative and is willing to try out new things
  3. Might need extra encouragement to consider a tech career

Next Step:

Ask of your nominees to register at http://newyork.chicktech.org/high-school/register/ as soon as possible. At our last event, most spots were filled within the first week. 


Print Instructions for Your Nominees


If you have questions, pease reply or reach to this email or contact us directly at newyork@chicktech.org

Victoria Lee
Program Manager
ChickTech NYC






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