Tuesday, April 21, 2015

FW: Upcoming dates to remember

22nd-Talent Show
23rd- 9-03 to space center 9-12pm
29th- 9-04 to space center 9-12pm

1st- End of Marking Period
2nd –SAT
5th- Philadelphia trip for Juniors-all day
7th- Junior Drama majors at Broadway Day.
7th-Parent Teacher conferences 5:45-7:45
8th-CUNY presentation for Juniors at 1:00
11th-AAA at 1:40
14th-16th -Musical
25th-no school
28th-Major's show 6pm
29th –Selections from Major's show 1:40-3:00

1st- LoMA prom
2nd-Common core ELA and Geometry
3rd- Sport's awards assembly and dinner
6th - SAT
4th-PD day
10th- Brianna Figueroas play at the Pearl Theater- 7 Juniors out for the day.
12th-Senior show and awards night
16th-24th –Regents and CYA
23nd-LoMApalooza and reunion! 10 year anniversary party.
23rd -1:00-3:00 -Graduation Rehearsal
24th -Graduation 11:00am and Staff luncheon
25th –Advisory day

Yetta Garfield, AP
The Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
350 Grand Street, NYC 10002