Principal's Office...

and lets not forget...
Subject: Information for you!
We are almost there!!!
Please note the following information:
1. The LoMAcares group is still collecting clothing. Please check the closets and bring any unwanted items to Ms. Sheahan.
3. We have the Major's show on Thursday May 28th at 6:00. All money collected will go to the Hiawatha Rutland fund! 1,2..
4. The Junior drama major's have a showing of scenes in 201 on Weds. May 27th from 9:30-11:00. They have worked really hard and would love for you to come see them.
5. The Seniors will be at the Senior Picnic tomorrow, May 22nd all morning. (You can thank the arts teachers later!) Music majors will be here with Pierre but she will keep them
9-12. So you can still thank her!
Thank you everyone! You are doing great.
Yetta Garfield, AP
The Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
350 Grand Street, NYC 10002
Subject: GYM Credit Recovery
Hello All,
Starting on Tuesday May 19th I will begin to have make-up classes for GYM for students who are missing credit. The classes will take place after school starting at 3:30 on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays.
I have put up a list of names. These students must attend to make up their credit. I will also be putting a contract in the advisors mailbox so that they can be given out to the students. The students are to sign those and bring them to me on the first day.
If I put them in your mailbox please try to get them to the students ASAP and if you do not see any in your mailbox it is because no one in your advisory needs to make up gym.
Note: Seniors can also attend to make up the extra 20 hours of gym that they need.
Thank you all, have a good day.
Danny Gonzalez
Physical Education Teacher
Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
Head Coach
Seward Park Varsity Baseball
Head Coach
Seward Park Varsity Boys Bowling
Subject: Re: GYM Credit Recovery
This week Student Council is hosting Fit Week.
Student Council has scheduled three classes this week: Yoga, Cardio Conditioning and Pound! All of these events/classes are after tutoring, starting at 3:45.
There will be a big yellow post-it sign-in sheet.
Teachers are welcome and encouraged to come.
If you have any questions in reference to Fit Week, please feel free to ask.
Best Ms. Louisdhon