Hi Everyone! We are in the home stretch.
26th-Prom 8:00-12:00
30th- no school(in case you forgot!)
31st 10th graders and Junior drama majors to NYTW, Hadestown
selected 10th graders on Science trip all day
31st-Friends and Family night at the Whitney
1st alg 2 cc. / Integrated Algebra (eligible students)
1st LEAP playwriting finale 7:30pm (students out all day-small group of 10th graders)
2nd Majors Show 6:00pm
8th Sports awards 4:30
9th PD day Staff
13th End MK.PD.
14th Senior Showcase 6:00pm
14th- 22nd -REGENTS and CYA
23rd graduation Rehearsal 2:00-4:00.
24th Graduation 11:00 am.
24th- End term luncheon
27th Field day.
28th last day of School for students