Tuesday, February 28, 2017

FW: Welcome back!



Welcome back!  I hope you had a fantastic break.  I just wanted to send out some dates to give you the heads up. 


*Senior meeting will happen next Monday.

*Please remind students that auditions for Grease are Tuesday and Weds. in room 98 4:00-6:00



14th- Junior drama majors at NYTW (they will not be in reading)
17th End 4th MK.PD

17th-19th-Senior Trip
23rd Conferences 5:45-8:00
24th-Conferences 1:00-3:00


5th- PSAT and SAT for 10th and 11th, 9th and 12th on trips
6th- 10th grade trip(selected students) to Rockefeller University Science trip
6th Talent show 6:00 pm
19th- Rotate arts
10th -18th -no school
25th- Junior drama majors at NYTW (they will not be in reading)
28th-end 5th  marking period


Yetta Garfield, AP
The Lower Manhattan Arts Academy
350 Grand Street, NYC 10002

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Summer School Dates

Summer school will take place at LoMA this summer!

Dates for Summer school:
Wednesday July 5th through Tuesday August 15th (classes)
Wednesday August 16th and Thursday August 17th (REGENTS exams)