Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Please call


Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) this Thursday, the anniversary of its historic passage. The Republican bill would strip 24 million people of health insurance, increase costs for older Americans, cut Medicaid for the poor and give tax cuts to the rich and to pharmaceutical companies.

Please call your Congressional Representative today -- Democrat or Republican -- and urge them to vote NO. The call will take less than five minutes of your time. Call 866.829.3298 and you will then be transferred to the appropriate Congressional office after entering your zip code. It is likely you will not speak directly to your congressperson but will talk to a staff person in the office. Tell the staff person that you are a constituent in the district and that you want to urge your congressperson to vote NO on the American Healthcare Act (AHCA). You can use any of the key talking points below.

In the Northeast, we have some of the more progressive House and Senate members in the country. However, they still need to hear directly from us so they will stand strong and speak out in Congress on our behalf. Please call and urge your family and friends to call also.

The key talking points:
1. The Republican bill, "The American Healthcare Act" AHCA, will give millionaires a $50,000 tax break while taxing good health insurance plans like those we bargained for in our union contracts.
2. The AHCA would give pharmaceutical and insurance companies billions in tax breaks while 24 million people lose healthcare coverage.
3. The AHCA would give the richest 400 households $7 million in tax breaks while stealing from the Medicare trust and slashing Medicaid nursing home care.

4. The AHCA would raise the cost of annual coverage, especially for older Americans.

Monday, March 6, 2017

FW: Hudson River Park's Spring 2017 Education Programs Programs


Spring 2017 Education Programs


It's time to kick off a new year of field trips at Hudson River Park! This spring, Hudson River Park's low-cost, high-impact field trips bring children to the water's edge to experience science and history through hands-on activities such as water chemistry experiments, fish dissections, historic vessel tours and nature-based games and activities.  We offer a wide range of field trip programs suitable for grades K-12.  


To participate in our field trip programs, please fill out our online application. For more information, please visit our website. Feel free to contact us with questions by phone (212-627-2020) or by email.

We look forward to seeing you and your class at Hudson River Park! 



General Information

  • Field trip season runs from April 4 - June 30th, weather permitting
  • Tuesday - Friday
  • Two time slots available per day: 10:30 am-12 pm & 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
  • After School time slot: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Cost: $200 per program (fee waivers available upon demonstration of need)
  • 30 students maximum; 1:10 chaperone ratio mandatory



Field Trip Programs

Scheduled trips for schools and other groups



Junior Explorers (Grades K-1)
Investigate park animals with scientific inquiry and nature-based crafts.


Garden Adventures (Grades 2-5) 

Study birds in the Park and go on a scavenger hunt in the habitat garden.  


Maritime Voyage (Grades 2-12) 

Investigate NYC's rich waterfront history with artifacts and tour a historic vessel.

Food Web Fun (Grades 2-5) 

Use microscopes to examine live plankton and explore their important role in the food web.  


Go Fish! (Grades 2-5) 

An introduction to the Hudson River with catch and release fishing, touch tank discovery and a life cycle game.


Pollution Solutions (Grades 3-8) 

Collect River samples to measure the health of the estuary and conduct experiments to learn about local waters.    

Plankton Ecology (Grades 6-12) 

Analyze river samples with a microscope to examine physical traits of plankton and design and test a plankton model.    



Oysters & Water Quality (Grades 9-12)  

Measure oysters to learn about their role in the estuary and test the River's chemical and physical properties.


Fish Biology (Grades 6-12) 

Discuss fish biology and anatomy topics though a fish dissection and catch and release fishing.    




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Hudson River Park receives no government funds for 

its operations and maintenance, or for its free programs. Friends of Hudson River Park


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 Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor

Bill de Blasio, Mayor

Gale Brewer, Manhattan Borough President

Diana L. Taylor, Chair

Madelyn Wils, President & CEO

Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.      

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Hudson River Park, 353 West Street, New York, NY 10014



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