Start the school year with a dive into marine science at Hudson River Park! This fall, Hudson River Park's low-cost, high-impact field trips bring children to the water's edge to experience science and history through hands-on activities such as water chemistry experiments, fish dissections, historic vessel tours and nature-based games and activities. We offer a wide range of field trip programs suitable for grades K-12.
To participate in our field trip programs, please fill out our online application. For more information, please visit our website. Feel free to contact us with questions by phone (212-627-2020) or by email.
We look forward to seeing you and your class at Hudson River Park!
General Information
Field trip season runs from September 12th-November 17th, weather permitting
Available Tuesday - Friday
Two time slots available per day: 10:30 am-12 pm & 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
After School time slot: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Cost: $200 per program (fee waivers available upon demonstration of need)
30 students maximum; 1:10 chaperone ratio mandatory