LoMA Parents’ Association
Thursday October 19, 2017 6:00pm room 338
Co-President Introduction: Amanda Rios and Annette Rodriguez
- Website purpose to communicate with parents, any entry changes should be reported to Dean Kathleen Sancimino. It was requested to add lunch menu to website.
- Agenda items: Treasury report, Present PA Fund balance, current PA Executive Board members
- Last year’s sweatshirt fundraiser but looking for new ideas: such as Box Top collection
- The role of the PA meeting: meet once a month for an hour or more to voice concerns
- It was suggested meeting in the morning to accommodate some parents
- Brief discussion of SLT purpose and means of meeting school goals and standards
- Encouraged Parents to discuss with Students important extra-curricular activity opportunities at the school that can no longer be provide due to lack of participation
- College Awareness: encouraged to start looking and visiting Colleges now to be prepared
Conducted nominations for SLT representative:
Sandra Hyatt: nominated herself, second by Amanda Rios
William Brown: nominated himself, second by Sharon Good
Principal Introduction:
- Mentioned upcoming Parent Teacher Conference on November 2nd and 3rd
- Discussed the importance of Pupil path Access
- Explained the marking period grade vs the semester grade on student transcript
- Upcoming LOMA Events: Halloween Party on 10/26, Thanksgiving Feast: November 21st
- Open House Event for incoming students: November 16th
Current Parent Events:
- United Federation of Teachers (UFT) are having a Parent event Saturday, 10/21, 8am to 4pm
- Transcript Day: Tuesday, October 24th, 6 to 8pm Mrs. Cordero and Ms. Dowridge will be hosting a transcript day for parents and students to know their graduating qualifications
Universal Lunch Presentation: Tasfia Rahman-Community Food Advocates Fighting Poverty & Hunger In NYC
- Tasfia spoke about Universal free lunch for all students and encouraged Parents to tell students to take advantage of it. Currently working on making an effort to make lunches more appealing
Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm
Respectfully submitted by Noralie Nunez-Recording Secretary