|  | It's time to kick off a new year of field trips at Hudson River Park! This spring, Hudson River Park's education team offers a variety of low-cost, high-impact field trips that bring children to the water's edge. Students experience science and history through hands-on activities such as water chemistry experiments, fish dissections, historic vessel tours and nature-based games. We offer a wide variety of field trip programs suitable for grades K-12. For more information, please visit our website. Feel free to contact us with questions by phone (212-627-2020) or by email. To participate in our field trip programs, please fill out our online application. We look forward to seeing you and your class at Hudson River Park! | | General Information - Field trip season runs from April 1 - June 28, weather permitting
- Tuesday - Friday
- Two time slots available per day: 10:30 am-12 pm & 12:30 pm-2:00 pm
- After School time slot: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
- Cost: $200 per program (fee waivers available upon demonstration of need)
- 30 students maximum; 1:10 chaperone ratio mandatory
| | Scheduled trips for schools and other groups | Junior Explorers (Grades K-1) | Bring your youngest students to explore the Hudson River! Junior Explorers allows budding scientists to investigate various Park animals with scientific inquiry and nature-inspired crafts. | | | Fish in the Hudson River? You bet! More than 200 species of fish are found in the Hudson River and its tributaries. Go Fish! introduces students to life under the Hudson River through activities such as catch and release fishing, fish anatomy, touch tank fun and a striped bass life cycle game. | | | Tiny aquatic creatures known as plankton are essential to a healthy river and planet. In Food Web Fun, students examine live plankton specimens with microscopes and explore the role of zooplankton and phytoplankton in the Hudson River's food web. | | | Our Living Estuary (Grades 3-8) | Our Living Estuary introduces students to the Hudson Estuary. Students will explore the physical and geographical elements of the Hudson River estuary system. By testing river samples and conducting water chemistry experiments, students will learn about local water conditions. | | | Beaks & Botanicals (Grades 2-5) | Come explore Hudson River Park's Habitat Garden, a green space with a rich diversity of native trees and plants. In Beaks & Botanicals, students investigate land-based plants and animals through a tree/native plant scavenger hunt, bird beak investigation and bird migration activity. | | | Fish Biology (Grades 6-12) | How do fish move? How do fish breathe? What is a lateral line or a swim bladder? These questions and more will be answered in Fish Biology. Students will learn advanced fish biology and anatomy topics through an interactive fish dissection and touch tank. Groups will also get to try their luck at catch and release fishing. | | | Through a hands-on taxonomy lesson and microscopic analysis of plankton samples, students will examine the different physical traits that define plankton. Plankton Ecology also includes a fun engineering activity that will then bring plankton adaptations to life as students design their own plankton models. | | | Water Quality 101 (Grades 9-12) | Water Quality 101 teaches students about the dynamic Hudson River estuary through interactive experiments and application of the scientific method. Hands-on activities will allow students to test the River's physical and chemical properties while learning about watersheds, tides and currents. | | | Urban Forestry Lab (Grades 6-12) | Quantify the benefits of NYC's urban trees in Urban Forestry Lab. Students will identify, measure and discuss ecosystem services of Hudson River Park's trees. Learn how composting keeps trees healthy by maintaining and turning our Park's compost bins. | | | Maritime Voyage (Grades 2-12) | Ahoy! Our Maritime Voyage program takes place aboard a docked historic vessel at our Park. Students learn about NYC's rich waterfront culture and history and explore additional nautical concepts including navigation, waterfront history and knot tying. | | | REFER A FRIEND! | Like our programs? Spread the word! Add a friend or | | | SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! | Hudson River Park receives no government funds for | | | | | |  | | |
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