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| | | | Photo of the Week BONING UP: Students from science teacher Jeannie Herlihy's 8th-grade class at Manhattan's Ballet Tech take measurements during a Fossil Skull Evidence for Evolution workshop at the American Museum of Natural History on Jan. 4. | | | This Week's FocusSign up for the Women's March in New York City or Washington, D.C. on Jan. 21 On Saturday, Jan. 21, the day after the inauguration, tens of thousands of people will gather in Washington, D.C., New York and other major cities to send a message to our new president that we stand together in defense of human rights and in support of the principle that everyone — regardless of ethnic background, gender identify, faith or immigration status — is deserving of dignity and respect. The UFT will participate in both the Women's March on Washington, D.C. and the Women's March on New York City. Both women and men are welcome. UFT members are urged to attend one of these two important marches. While we do not yet know the exact time of departure for the Washington, D.C. Women's March, we anticipate that UFT buses will leave union headquarters at 52 Broadway at 5 a.m. or earlier that Saturday in order to drop off passengers in D.C. at approximately 8:30 a.m. The Women's March on New York City will start in front of the United Nations headquarters in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at 11 a.m. with a tentative route west on 47th Street and up Fifth Avenue to Trump Tower. Our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country. It is crucial that the new administration hear our message loud and clear. Attend an information session next week on evaluation-system changes We depend on you, as chapter leaders, to help us ensure that the new evaluation system negotiated by the UFT and the Department of Education in December is implemented properly in every school. We have set up informational meetings for chapter leaders in every borough to brief you on the new evaluation system and answer your questions. Please sign up now to let us know if you'll be attending one of the four remaining chapter leader information sessions: in the Bronx on Tuesday, Jan. 10; in Queens on Wednesday, Jan. 11; in Brooklyn on Thursday, Jan. 12; and in Staten Island on Thursday, Jan. 12. We remind you to consult the eight-page Guide to the Teacher Evaluation System that we developed to help you answer member questions on the new teacher evaluation system. Every chapter leader and delegate attending the Jan. 18 Delegate Assembly will receive a hard copy of the guide. A new labor-management committee can help resolve class-size violations Through a recent arbitration ruling, the UFT gained a new process to help schools with chronically oversized classes find solutions. Last spring, the union filed and won a precedential grievance regarding the extensive and egregious history of class-size violations at IS 72 on Staten Island. Through a stipulation related to the IS 72 arbitration case, the union was able to gain a joint labor-management committee consisting of three UFT representatives and three DOE representatives to discuss solutions for schools with an extensive history of oversize classes. For the first time, the UFT and the DOE are required to meet to discuss issues at schools with a long history of oversize classes before going to arbitration. Schools give up no rights when the committee reviews their cases. If no resolution is reached for a particular school, the UFT can proceed to arbitration. At the first meeting of the new committee on Dec. 21, the union presented a list of 19 schools that have had class-size violations for four or more consecutive years or terms. That first meeting focused on six schools with persistent violations. A variety of possible solutions, both long-term and short-term, were discussed. The union and the DOE also discussed ways to provide relief to the affected teachers in those schools. The committee will meet again next week. Talk about the dangers of a constitutional convention at your next chapter meeting At the December Delegate Assembly, UFT President Michael Mulgrew presented a series of slides to inform delegates about the question on the November 2017 ballot asking voters if New York State should hold a constitutional convention and the importance of voting "no." Please make this same presentation to your members at your January chapter meeting. To prepare for your presentation, you can review our Q&A on the constitutional convention and read the president's column from the current issue of the New York Teacher. By starting now the process of educating our members about the perils of a constitutional convention, we can protect our rights. Register soon for our Early Childhood Education Conference Make sure to register early for the UFT's 10th annual Early Childhood Education Conference, which will be held at UFT headquarters on Saturday, March 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year's theme is "Full S.T.E.A.M Ahead." The conference will feature a plenary greeting from UFT President Michael Mulgrew and a choice of exciting workshops. Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours will be provided. Breakfast and a box lunch will be served. There is a fee of $30. The registration and payment deadline is Friday, Feb. 24. For details, including online and mail-in registration information, see the event listing on the UFT website. | | | Your Chapter Leader Checklist January Delegate Assembly: This month's Delegate Assembly will be held on Jan. 18 from 4:15 to 6 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor. This is a change from the previously scheduled date.
School-based MOSL committee selection process: Please work with your principal to convene your school-based MOSL committee and select the Measures of Student Learning (MOSLs) for each grade and subject. Though we are starting the MOSL selection process late this year, you will find it is much simpler than in the past because the state and local measures have been replaced by a single measure with lower stakes. This should make choices easier for you and your school. Please note the new Project-Based Learning Assessments and Student Learning Inventories announced in December are not available this school year. You and your school will receive more specific information so that your committee can complete its task. Refer to the teacher evaluation guide for a full description of the new student learning measures. We are meeting with the Department of Education next week to discuss timelines; we will let you know when the deadline for submitting your school's MOSL selections has been set. Grief and loss counseling groups: Has a member of your chapter experienced a difficult loss in the last year? The UFT Member Assistance Program (MAP) runs counseling groups to assist members in managing their grief and adjusting to the loss of a family member, significant other, friend or colleague. It's time to enroll in the winter–spring 2017 series of counseling sessions, which will all be held on Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. The dates are Jan. 12, 19 and 26 and Feb. 2 and 9. The spring dates are March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. For details and registration information, email MAPinfo@uft.org or call 212-701-9620. Registration is limited. Here is a flier to hang on your UFT bulletin board. PROSE informational session next Wednesday: All schools interested in becoming a part of PROSE are invited to attend an informational session on Wednesday, Jan. 11 from 4 to 6 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 19th floor, room A. Participants will learn about PROSE and the application process as well as have an opportunity to talk to the panel about ideas they are considering for their application. Participants are encouraged to attend the session with their school-based team. Please register online. The PROSE program is driven by collaboration and innovation, and the schools that become PROSE schools have opportunities to implement new ideas, share their work with other schools and develop sustainable cultures that respect teachers and all members as professionals.- Apply for PROSE: The PROSE panel is now accepting applications from schools interested in becoming PROSE schools beginning in the 2017–18 school year. Interested chapter leaders can request an application via the online form. The deadline for applications is March 3, 2017. For more information about the program, drop a note to PROSE@uft.org and the team will follow up.
- Last chance to complete the survey on co-location: Chapter leaders who work in buildings that are co-located with charter schools are asked to complete the UFT survey on the effect of the co-location on your school. Have you lost space for instruction, student services or student activities? Have you seen inequities between your school and the charter school in terms of what each school can offer its students? Your stories will help us fend off a Wall Street-funded campaign to dramatically increase the number the charter schools co-located in New York City public school buildings. We need your stories to fight the myth that our schools give up nothing when a charter school moves in.
- Read DA resolutions online: The Delegate Assembly on Dec. 14 passed four resolutions. You can read these resolutions and all other resolutions passed by the Delegate Assembly on the UFT website. On the home page, under "Where We Stand" at the top of the page, you will find Union Resolutions.
- Urge eligible seniors to apply for an Albert Shanker student scholarship: Each year the UFT awards $1 million in scholarships to academically excellent and financially eligible New York City public high school seniors through the Albert Shanker College Scholarship Fund. To receive a $5,000 scholarship from the fund, those selected must be accepted and matriculated in a full-time, degree-granting program at an accredited college or university. Please reach out to your school's college advisors and guidance counselors to make sure high school seniors take advantage of this great opportunity by applying for a scholarship. You can get more information on the scholarship and application materials on the UFT Scholarship Fund page. The application deadline is Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2017.
- Report Other Professional Work complaints to the UFT: In the 2014 contract, the work week was reconfigured in single-session schools to include a 35-minute block of time for Other Professional Work (OPW). The contract delineates a menu of activities that can take place during this time. The contract states the following: "Teachers can choose from the activities listed in the contract over the course of the year. Principals can direct the teachers to an activity on the list 'on an as-needed basis' to improve class instruction and meet the needs of the school as outlined in its Comprehensive Education Plan." Teachers can only be asked to work on activities that are on the list, not other things that the principal deems necessary. According to the new paperwork standards agreed to in 2015, the Other Professional Work time "shall not generate excessive or redundant paperwork or electronic work." The DOE and the UFT have an agreement that states that "teacher's assignments during Other Professional Work shall not cause duplicative, unreasonable or unnecessary work." Chapter leaders can report violations of these rules using the online OPW reporting form. Chapter leaders should file the form at the same time they bring the issue to the attention of the principal during the consultation process. The filing of the reporting form is the first step toward establishing a resolution. A copy of this form will automatically be sent to the chapter leader's district representative. The form resides in the chapter leader section of the website (you must be logged in) under the Paperwork tab.
- Report excessive paperwork to the union: The UFT has established an online reporting system than enables chapter leaders to report paperwork issues immediately. One significant source of unnecessary paperwork is the lack of curriculum in many schools. Chapter leaders who believe their members have been assigned unnecessary paperwork should fill out the online paperwork reduction reporting form (you must be logged in to access it) so we can track the number of complaints as they simultaneously reach out to the principal to resolve the issue. Only chapter leaders may use the reporting form. After filing a report, first try to resolve the issue at the school level. Consider making it an agenda item at your next UFT consultation committee meeting with the principal. The UFT and the DOE negotiated a set of five paperwork standards in May 2015 intended to reduce unnecessary paperwork. These standards stipulate that, among other concerns, educators should not be required to perform "redundant, duplicative, unnecessary or unreasonable amounts of record-keeping." Read UFT President Michael Mulgrew's New York Teacher column on curbing excessive paperwork.
- Review new paperwork and Other Professional Work manual: This fall, the UFT set up new reporting procedures for chapter leaders to alert the union to issues related to paperwork and the assignment of duties during the 35 minutes allotted each week for Other Professional Work. We have now issued a Resolving Paperwork and Other Professional Work Issues Guide that details the contractual provisions being enforced and spells out the reporting process for chapter leaders. The manual is permanently housed under the Paperwork tab in the chapter leader section of the website.
- Request a visit to your school from a UFT representative: Various UFT officers and representatives from UFT departments are available to visit your school and speak with members of your chapter. You may request a visit from the following UFT offices and officers: the Office of Personnel, Payroll and Special Projects, to discuss the evaluation system, school budgets, SBOs and more; the Grievance Department, to discuss contract empowerment, APPR complaints, grievances and more; the Safety and Health Department, to discuss environmental issues, school safety, incident reporting and more; the Pension Department to discuss pensions and Tax Deferred Annuities; the Welfare Fund, to discuss supplemental health benefits and more; Vice President for Education Evelyn De Jesus, to discuss support for English language learners, professional development, mentoring and more; the Vice President for Academic High Schools Janella Hinds, to discuss issues involving high schools; Vice President for Middle Schools Richard Mantell, to discuss issues involving middle schools; Vice President for Elementary Schools Karen Alford, to discuss issues involving elementary schools; and Vice President for Career and Technical Education High Schools Sterling Roberson, to discuss issues involving CTE schools.
- Follow UFT divisions and departments on Twitter: Did you know various UFT divisions and departments are on Twitter? To get the latest news and information, you can follow the UFT elementary schools division @UFT_Elementary; the UFT middle schools division @UFTMS_Division; the UFT high schools division @UFTTeamHS; the UFT Bronx borough office @BBOUFT; the UFT Brooklyn borough office @UFT_BKOffice; the UFT Manhattan borough office @UFT_MBO; the Special Education department at @UFTSPEDVP; the UFT Safety & Health department at @UFTSafety; the UFT Paraprofessionals Chapter at @UFTParas; representatives from UFT District 75 @D75uft; and the UFT Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff @UFTACTS.
| | | Tell Your Members Salary & Personnel Teacher's Choice spending deadline is Jan. 15: Alert your members that Jan. 15 is the deadline for spending Teacher's Choice funds. Eligible UFT members should have received their Teacher's Choice allotments ($148 for teachers and other amounts for other eligible titles) in their Nov. 30 paychecks. Members should submit their receipts, along with the Teacher's Choice Accountability Form detailing their purchases, by Jan. 20 to their principal or payroll secretary. If a member received Teacher's Choice funds in their paycheck and does not file an accountability form with the required receipts by the Jan. 20 deadline, that member is obligated to return the money to the DOE. Educators in the ATR pool should submit their receipts to the administration of the school to which they are assigned on Jan. 20, 2017. For more detailed information about the Teacher's Choice program, go to the Teacher's Choice section of the UFT website. Per diem employees can receive direct deposit: Be sure per diem employees know they may enroll in direct deposit. In addition, all Q-bank employees who participate in direct deposit must enroll separately for their per-session payroll. All DOE payroll memoranda can be found on the DOE's Payroll Portal. Political Action Join our social media action: This coming Wednesday, Jan. 11, the Senate is scheduled to hold its confirmation hearing for education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos. We want to send a clear message that morning that DeVos, a billionaire fundraiser with no educational experience, is unfit and unqualified to lead our nation's schools. That's why we are asking UFT members to participate in our social media thunderclap on Wednesday morning. The way it works is you sign up to have a tweet sent or Facebook post made on your behalf at the exact same time as scores of other UFT members. Just as the public is focused on DeVos and her confirmation hearing, these social media posts will declare that public school educators believe Betsy DeVos is the wrong choice. Grievance Use your personal email for all union business: Be careful: DO NOT use your DOE email address to conduct union business. To do so is a violation of the DOE's Internet policy. All email correspondence about grievances and other union activities should be conducted using a non-DOE personal email address. Health and Safety Need to make a safety complaint? We've made it easier to let us know of a safety problem in your school. Just go to this web address: www.uft.org/safety-complaint and follow the instructions. Remember: If you believe the situation you are reporting constitutes an emergency, please call the union's safety hotline at 212-701-9407 for immediate assistance. Special Education FAQ spells out special education and ICT requirements: Special education teachers and related-service providers see firsthand that many students with disabilities are not receiving the services they need. This special education FAQ, created jointly by the DOE and the UFT, spells out the requirements of IEPs, integrated co-teaching and Chapter 408. Please make sure these programs are being implemented properly to support students with disabilities in your school. If the procedures outlined in this FAQ are not being followed, please make it part of the agenda for the next consultation committee meeting with your principal. If you are unable to resolve the issue through consultation, use this online form to ask your UFT district representative for assistance or file a special education complaint. The Know Your Rights column in the current New York Teacher also focuses on special education issues. English Language Learners Free workshop on collaboration and co-teaching: English as a New Language teachers working with content-area teachers on the co-teaching model are invited to the NYS Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages teacher institute on collaboration and co-teaching. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld. The institute will take place on Monday, Jan. 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fordham University's Lincoln Center campus. Participants will have the opportunity to work alongside their co-teachers to learn how to plan and deliver content instruction as a team. The institute is free, but ENL teachers for this institute must attend with one or more content-area co-teachers. For more information and to register, see the event listing. Use our English Language Learner complaint form to advocate for your ELL students: The union's English language learners complaint form is an important tool for UFT members to advocate for their English language learner students to ensure they receive the services and supports they need to succeed. You can use this form to tell us why you feel parents' rights are not being respected or students are not receiving required educational services, especially those services required under Commissioner's Regulations Part 154. We also want to know if educators are receiving appropriate and sufficient professional development to help serve English language learners. We ask for identifying information on this form so that a UFT liaison can follow up to verify the information directly with you, but this is a confidential complaint process. We will not share your name or any information with administrative, supervisory or managerial staff in the Department of Education without your consent. The English language learners complaint form is posted in the English Language Learners section of the UFT website. New Members Financial wellness workshops for new members: Members in their first three years on the job are encouraged to attend one of the remaining financial wellness workshops in January at the UFT borough offices in the Bronx and Staten Island. Participants will learn about budgeting, staying out of debt, saving for the future and more. Each workshop will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. For locations, see the online registration form for the Bronx session on Wednesday, Jan. 25 or the Staten Island session on Thursday, Jan.19. Professional Learning Opportunities Register now for our Middle School Conference: Middle school members are invited to attend the UFT's fourth annual Middle School Conference on Saturday, Feb. 4 at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Last year, some 450 educators deepened their skills and knowledge while networking with colleagues at the conference. This year's event promises to be just as memorable. Participants can attend two workshops of their choice on topics including targeting the roles of the teacher and paraprofessional in the IEP process; engaging the disengaged middle school male; coding in math; and using Google's "G Suite" for educators. You must pre-register. The registration fee of $30 includes breakfast, lunch and workshops. You can read descriptions of all the workshops. You may print out and mail in the registration coupon with your check. Online registration will be available at a later date. The deadline to register is Wednesday, Jan. 25. Free workshops for interactive storytelling: Early childhood educators are encouraged to speak with their principals about attending a full-day professional development workshop presented by the CUNY Creative Arts Team. During this workshop, facilitators will guide participants through a step-by-step process to will help them build an experiential and intellectual understanding of the power of oral storytelling in developing children's listening, speaking and language skills. Participants can choose to attend a Thursday, Jan. 26 session at the Brooklyn UFT office, 335 Adams St., 25th floor, or a Thursday, March 16 session at the Queens UFT office, 97-77 Queens Blvd., Rego Park. Both sessions will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Participants can register online for either the Brooklyn or Queens session. For more information, see the flier. Opportunities Students can learn geography while taking a virtual class trip: The UFT and EmblemHealth have teamed up to bring members Emblem's Big Apple Adventure, an interactive online game for 3rd to 5th graders to test their knowledge of New York City geography. The game features Emblem, the Wellness Dog, who guides students through local parks, landmarks, monuments and more. Audio narration is available for English language learners. Teachers participating in Emblem's Big Apple Adventure could win a classroom set of New York City geography books. The contest deadline is March 31. The game does not require registration or log-in. More information is available on the UFT website. Post this flier on your UFT bulletin board if you work in an elementary school. Team High School Award 2017 nominations due by Jan. 13: The UFT Academic High School Awards honor the unsung heroes who deserve recognition for going above and beyond to connect with students, communities and the union. Please nominate a colleague, community member or school whose work you appreciate and whose contributions to our union and commitment to our school communities may be hidden from your colleagues. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Jan. 13. Read the award descriptions and use the online form to submit a nomination. The 2017 Academic High Schools Celebration will take place on Friday, April 28. If you have questions, contact the Vice President for Academic High Schools Janella Hinds at teamhighschool@uft.org. Our Functional Chapters H-Bank members must use SOLAS: Effective Jan. 1, all H-Bank members must use the Self-Service Online Leave Application System (SOLAS) to apply for medical and non-medical leaves. Paper applications will no longer be accepted. Affected UFT titles are staff nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, supervising therapists, supervisors of nurses, senior physical therapists, mental health workers, education analysts, ed officers and sign language interpreters. A number of H-Bank members have already used SOLAS to apply for leaves with great success. The process is straightforward and intuitive. Chapter leaders, please remind secretaries/timekeepers that they must verify timekeeping in SOLAS for H-Bank members. School secretaries' annual seminar: School secretaries are encouraged to attend the school secretaries' annual seminar on Saturday, Jan. 21 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor. Participants at this event will have the opportunity to network with colleagues as well as enjoy an informative presentation by a DOE representative and a workshop by a UFT representative. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Space is limited, so registration is required. | | | This Week in Education and Labor News State ordered to fund turnaround schools: A state Supreme Court justice on Dec. 28 ordered the New York State Division of the Budget to release up to $69 million in funding previously withheld from three schools that had been taken off the state receivership list after showing improvement, according to Politico. The schools were awarded the grant for improvements made over a two-year period but did not receive it once they were taken off the state's receivership list by the state Education Department. Acting Albany Justice Kimberly O'Connor said that officials had "exceeded their authority" in freezing the funds. Cuomo announces tuition-free college plan: Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 3 announced a plan to offer tuition-free college to any New Yorker from a family earning $125,000 or less accepted to a public college in the state, reports MarketWatch. The proposal, which requires legislative approval, would be phased in over three years and would cover the remaining costs of college not already paid for by state and federal grants. The governor's office estimates the plan would cost $163 million a year once fully phased in. For-profit university forced to pay back for outsize promises: DeVry University has agreed to pay $100 million to settle a Federal Trade Commission lawsuit alleging that the for-profit college misled students with ads about its post-graduation success rates, according to the L.A. Times. The university claimed 90 percent of its graduates found jobs in their fields within six months of graduation and had, on average, 15 percent higher incomes one year after graduation compared to graduates from "all other colleges and universities." The FTC said DeVry relied on a report from a third-party company that did not "provide a reasonable basis" for the higher-income claim, and DeVry's own staff had questioned whether the data were sufficient. | | | Events CalendarFeatured Events Wednesday, Jan. 18: The January Delegate Assembly will be held from 4:15 to 6 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor. This is a change from the previously scheduled date of Jan. 11. Saturday, Feb. 4: The 4th annual Middle School Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 pm. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway. See the item in Professional Learning Opportunities for registration details. Saturday, March 11: The 10th annual Early Childhood Education Conference will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway. See the item in This Week's Focus for details and the event listing on the UFT calendar for a list of workshops and registration information. This Week Monday, Jan. 9: Queens educators are invited to " Teaming Up For Student Success: A Work Session for High School ICT Teams" from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Queens UFT office, 97-77 Queens Blvd., Rego Park, 8th floor. Participants will learn the importance of strengthening the co-teaching partnership through instructional practices and classroom and behavioral management. For more information and to register, see the event listing. Tuesday, Jan. 10: The school social workers and psychologists chapter executive board meets from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 50 Broadway, 2nd floor, room B. Tuesday, Jan. 10: Manhattan-based educators are invited to attend the workshop "Using Student Questioning to Support Learning and Discussion" from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Manhattan UFT office, 52 Broadway, 10th floor. This interactive professional learning session will focus on strategies to promote student-to-student discussions. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to RPena@uft.org with your name, telephone number, school and district from your non-DOE email address. For more information, contact Dolores Lozupone at 212-598-6800 or see the event listing. Wednesday, Jan. 11: The school nurses chapter executive board meeting meets from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 16th floor, conference room B. Thursday, Jan. 12: Manhattan-based teachers and paraprofessionals are invited to a maternity leave workshop from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Manhattan UFT office, 52 Broadway, 10th floor, conference rooms A and B. Light refreshments will be served. Participants should RSVP to ymcdowell@uft.org with their name, non-DOE email, telephone number, school and district. Therapists who would like information on maternity should contact Myra Entenberg at 212-598-6800 for an appointment or email her at mentenberg@uft.org. For more information, contact Yasmin Mc Dowell at 212-598-6800. Thursday, Jan. 12: Queens parents are invited to "The Confidence Value," a workshop about building your child's confidence. This event will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Queens UFT office, 97-77 Queens Blvd., Rego Park. Child care will be provided, and refreshments will be served. Participants should RSVP by emailing khernandez2@uft.org with their name, address, phone number and how many children will be attending. For more information, see the event listing. Save the Date Saturday, Jan. 21: School secretaries are encouraged to attend the school secretaries' annual seminar from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway, 2nd floor. For more information and to register, see the item in Our Functional Chapters. Saturday, March 18: The 36th annual Paraprofessional Festival and Luncheon will take place from 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the New York Hilton. See the event listing on the UFT calendar. Friday, April 28: The 2017 Academic High Schools Celebration will take place at UFT headquarters, 52 Broadway. More details to come. | | | Professional Committees UFT Professional Committees offer a wide range of workshops, presentations and exchanges, enabling all members to take an active part in their professional growth. Unless indicated, meetings are at UFT headquarters at 52 Broadway. Check the lobby for exact locations. For further information, contact us at 1-212-598-7772 or visit us online. Association of Teachers of Social Studies/UFT - Saturday, Feb.11, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Media Literacy: Who Controls the Narrative? For more information and to register, see the flier.
- Sunday, March 19, 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., 19th Annual Professional Development Conference on Holocaust Education. The theme is Documentation, Accountability and Heroism: Learning from the past to enhance the future — role models for our children. For more information, see the flier.
- Applications are being accepted for the Bernard Cohen Award. For more information and to apply, see the award application.
English Language Arts - Thursday, March 2, 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Common Core Learning Standards Workshop III: What an ELA Supervisor Looks for During an Observation. For more information, see the flier.
- Thursday, March 30, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Celebrating Women's History Month. For more information, see the flier.
Hellenic American Educators Association/UFT - Friday, Feb. 10, 4:30 to 7 p.m., Book Talk: The Murderess.
Irish American Committee - Thursday, March 9, 4 to 7 p.m., Annual Heritage Celebration: Honoring the W.B. Yeats Society of NY.
NYC Music Teachers Association/UFT - Saturday, Jan. 7, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Teaching Music in the Cloud.
- Saturday, April 1, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Teaching Ukulele to Teachers.
NYC Art Teachers Association - Inside/Outside Exhibit Submission. For more information, see the flier.
- Wednesday, Feb. 8, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Creative Classroom Management. For more information, see the flier.
UFT Players - Tuesday, Feb. 14, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Story Slam. For more information, see the flier.
Science - Wednesday, Jan.18, 7:15 p.m., How You Can Cover the Regents Chemistry Curriculum with Significant Time Constraints. For more information, see the flier.
- Friday, Feb. 10, 7:15 p.m., The Feynman Picture of Quantum Confinement of Small Molecules, Joseph Cendagorta, and Computational Chemistry Methods for Crystal Structure Prediction, Dr. Leslie Vogt, NYU. For more information, see the flier.
- Friday, March 17, 7:15 p.m., Preparing an Application for the Math for America Master Teacher Fellowship. For more information, see the flier.
| | | Editor: Peter O'Donnell Executive Editor: Bernadette Weeks Contributors include: Karen Alford, George Altomare, Carmen Alvarez, Amy Arundell, LeRoy Barr, Tom Brown, Joseph Colletti, Rita Danis, Crystal Deoraj, Mona Gonzalez, Anthony Harmon, Sarah Herman, Janella Hinds, David Kazansky, Rick King, Charles Lobello, Richard Mantell, Samantha Mark, Ebony Martin, Deidre McFadyen, Cara Metz, Debra Poulos, Jeffrey Povalitis, Ellen Procida, Tina Puccio, Adam Ross, Christine Rowland, Nanette Sanchez-Rosario, Howard Schoor, Michael Sill and Shelvy Young-Abrams. | | | | | | |
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