Friday, August 15, 2014

LoMA Gym Uniform

Students must be dressed in the LOMA uniform in order to participate in Physical Education class.

Uniforms should be bought in the office (room 318) from Ms. Concepcion between the times of: 
8:00 am -8:30 am or after school at 3:00 pm.
The LoMA shorts are $10 
the sweatpants are $20.

School Starts Thursday, September 4, 2014

The first day of classes for all students is Thursday, September 4, 2014. So please be on time and ready to get started.

There's no escaping the fact that the first day of school can be crazy. Your first day is also the time to bring in school supplies and paperwork. It can help to pack your backpack the night before school starts so you're not scrambling around at the last minute looking for what you need. In addition to packing basic supplies (such as notebooks, pens, and pencils), hunt down any of the school forms that were mailed to your family over the summer: immunization (shot) records, permission slips, and Emergency BLUE CARD.

You'll meet your new teachers, and they'll probably give you an overview of the course syllabus, class rules, what the semester will be like, what supplies you'll need, and expectations of your performance and behavior. Some teachers will jump right into their first lesson, while others may have non-coursework activities planned. It all depends on the class and teacher.

Some Back to School Tips...

From an 11th grade female High School Student:
1. "Don't just start with a positive attitude, keep that attitude throughout the year;it's helpful to your friends and teachers. Also, you'll be more efficient and the year will seem to fly by. Positivity will also help with getting all your work done."

2."Stay organized. School can be frustrating when you're getting a lot of work and papers,so the easiest way not to get stressed is by keeping everything organized. Make sure to have a separate binder for each class; it will make life bearable in high school."

3. "If you're absent for a few days, make sure to get the work you missed. Your teacher is the best one to get you caught up and to explain things to you, because he or she is the expert in the class, not your friends. "

4. "Stay away from the drama. The only bad thing about school is the drama because so many people get sucked into it and it ends up making people feel awful. Drama can take your focus away from your work. If you don't completely focus on the lesson or your homework or even class work you won't understand what is going on. You'll be too focused on what is going on around you. So stay away from drama."